Shovel intelligently, save your back this winter

With winter just around the corner, Eagle River physical therapist Chris Wilson would like Eagle River residents to keep in mind that shoveling is a strenuous activity that shouldn’t be taken lightly. When done correctly, says the owner of Ideal Motion Physical Therapy, it can offer you a beneficial, full-body workout. If approached haphazardly, however, […]

Walking a ‘Gait-way’ to Back Pain Relief

Are you experiencing tightness or discomfort in your lower-back? Try taking a walk, suggests Eagle River physical therapist Chris Wilson. According to Wilson, owner of Ideal Motion Physical Therapy, studies have shown walking to be effective in preventing, alleviating and even treating pain in the spine, a condition that according to the Centers for Disease […]

Combat osteoporosis through exercise

To the 43 million Americans who have low bone density, putting them at high risk of osteoporosis, Eagle River physical therapist Chris Wilson, has an important message: exercise is good medicine. But not just any exercise – weight-bearing, muscle-strengthening exercise. “As people get older, bone density certainly becomes an issue for many people, which can […]

Lower risk of ACL injury this sports season

ACL Knee Injury Prevention

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), high school athletes account for about 2 million injuries and around a half-million doctor visits each year. But few of these injuries, says Eagle River physical therapist Chris Wilson, are as costly to a student-athlete and his or her family that a torn ACL.  “An […]

Tennis elbow more common off the court

Tennis elbow

While tennis elbow and its sister ailment, golfer’s elbow, sound like the unfortunate results of overly active country club memberships, these repetitive use conditions affect more than just those who regularly hit the links or swing a racket. In fact, tennis plays a factor in fewer than 5 percent of all tennis elbow diagnoses. But […]

Summer Pro Tip: Wear your flip-flops with caution


Warmer weather means lighter clothing all around, and footwear is no exception. But before you grab the flip-flops for summer outings and activities, Eagle River physical therapist Chris Wilson of Ideal Motion Physical Therapy offers a word of caution: long-term flip-flop use can not only be bad for the feet, but also other parts of […]